I Think I Need Help

North Country Addictions Resource Center

Service Types

Find What's Best For You


Addiction Treatment Options

There are an abundance of programs locally to treat individuals with the disease of addiction and support their loved ones. There is no one treatment path that is right for everyone. If you think you might have a problem but you’re not sure, speak with your doctor or call the HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY for a referral to an assessment to help you identify which treatment options are best for you. Click the link below learn more about treatment options near you.

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Improving Lives

Recovery begins when a person decides to make better choices and improve their physical and mental well-being. This includes working towards living a meaningful life and achieving their fill potential in whatever way they chose to do so. There is no one way to be in recovery and there are multiple paths one can take in their recovery journey. These paths can include treatment, criminal justice interventions, faith/spirituality, self-help groups and more all of which focus on the four primary dimensions that support a life in recovery: health, home, purpose, and community. Click the link below to learn more about recovery opportunities near you.

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Harm Reduction

Decreasing Risk

Not everyone is ready to abstain from substances and that’s okay. Harm reduction decreases the potential harms associated with substance use and saves lives. Harm reduction strategies include: syringe exchange programs, access to fentanyl test strips, providing naloxone and overdose prevention education and training so individuals can recognize and respond to an overdose appropriately to reverse it, reduction of stigma around substance use, substance use disorder, medications for addiction treatment, and towards people who use substances. Click the link below to learn to find programs that utilize harm reduction strategies.

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Be the Difference

Prevention Providers implement strategies and programs to reduce or prevent problem behaviors such as problem gambling or problem drug use. Prevention Provides deliver evidence-based education programs, workshops, and trainings in community-based settings which empower individuals to live healthier lives. Click the link below to find prevention providers and programs near you.

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